Embracing Ireland’s Business Model: A Path to Economic Success for Montenegro

Montenegro, with its picturesque landscapes and emerging economy, stands at a pivotal point in its economic development. By examining and...

Montenegro and the EU: Navigating Business Opportunities in and from Southeast Europe

Montenegro’s strategic location and commitment to economic development make it an attractive destination for businesses seeking to...

Balancing Power and Perception: Public Relations in Heavy Industry Facilities and Environmental Communication

Heavy industry facilities, with their formidable presence and significant environmental impact, often find themselves at the intersection of...

Montenegro, Benefit from foreign investments

Citizenship by investment is not a new concept and has been applied in numerous countries for years. Since 2019, Montenegro has joined the...

Montenegro, Recent Economic Developments, External Sector, Current Account

According to the preliminary data, in the period January-September 2021, the current account deficit was 249.2 million euro and was lower by 71.1...

Montenegro, Recent Economic Developments, Financial Account

In the period January–September 2021, the portfolio investments account recorded a net outflow of 396.5 million euro, while the net outflow on the...

Montenegro, Recent Economic Developments, Financial Sector

At the end of Q3 2021, the main characteristics of the financial sector are stability and moderate level of systemic risk. Temporary measures...

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